
The main face and muscle mover of the god squad., with an outgoing personality and the power of a war god, Q is good at managing the people in the Willy as well as defending them in the face of trouble. After he was accidentally paired in Hawaii he was at a loss for what to do with his new powers. Kū was entirely unhelpful as the only communication they had was Kū explaining in the beginning he wanted nothing to do with Q, his life, or the mortal world in general. Luckily, Q was approached by the Sinnerman soon after his pairing and directed to find Bek and the god squad. For the safety of his family, Q convinced his mother to move them all to the Willy where they’ve lived the past few years. 

In this time Q has quickly become the most popular person in the Willy, organizing events to keep people entertained and being the person to bring in the most new Vessels and their families besides Bek himself. Unfortunately his own father died in a car accident only a few years before he was paired, and he now sees Bek as a father figure to him. Everyone else sees him as the nice middle ground between Cash’s personability, and Bek’s seriousness. Be it a dance off, game of chess, or a fight for the fate of the world, Q is a good guy to have at your back.

Family: Kekoa Kalama (Mother), Kalea Kalama (Sister), Keoni Kalama (Sister), Keoki Kalama (Brother), Kanoa Kalama (Brother)

Status: Paired


Tell: In reflected surfaces, Q appears to be wearing a Makini Hawaiian mask.

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