
While King prefers to accomplish his goals and build his reputation by blustering and preening, puffing himself up like a bird, Scotty prefers a more quiet approach. As the eminent leader of the MAGs in the European region, Scotty has been slowly consolidating power and removing bothersome groups of gods that might work against the MAGs or even just not align with them actively. Quietly, efficiently, she made deals with those she considers assets, and disposed of those she could do without. Now, though most of the other MAGs don’t even realize it, Scotty is possibly the MAG with the most power at her command. Her current goal? Simple: Return Tiamat as the leader of the MAGs and rally behind her to finish the work they started in the World Wars.

Just one issue. While Scotty has a significant amount of power, King still has a lot of sway with the MAGs because of his loud and charismatic personality. And Scotty won’t risk infighting within the MAGs at this critical time. So, slowly, she has been attempting to either convince King to allow her to bring Tiamat back in the mortal plane, or convince the other MAGs to stop supporting King. Which method works is not particularly important to her.

Family: N/A

Status: Paired

God: Skadi

Tell: Frosty Breath

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