Character Cards

a bit more about the characters in Thunder & Pomp caught up in the fate of human kind

Characters in the God Squad series are human, vessels, or creatures. Vessels are humans that can pair with a god. In rare instances, they may become immortal. How the god and human personality of a vessel interact varies.

A god can choose to be in full control of the vessel, leaving the human to have no control. This is usually standard for most of the MAGs who prefer domination as the quickest means for power. King and Freya are examples of this type of suppression pairing. Sometimes, a human might choose to purposefully take a backseat, as is the case with Savi.  

Sometimes the human remains in control of the Vessel and the god is chooses to be absent or only speaks directly to the human and takes a backseat approach. The human still enjoys some of the enhanced power of the god but to a lesser degree than when a vessel and human choose to work together—this takes time to develop. An example of this is Ku, who doesn’t speak to Q at all. This type of pairing only occurs in the God Squad as the MAG gods like to be in command. 

Gods and human can share control; sometimes one is in the “driver seat” and sometimes the other is. The degree to which the other remains silent while sitting back varies. Nikki is an example of this type of sharing a vessel. 

In rarer cases, the god and the vessel merge into one entity. For this to happen the god and human need a profound moment where their interests, passions, and personalities overlap intensely. For example, Sobek and Connor both realized they were tired of being bad people, and through their shared desire to become a better person merged into Bek Connors. 

A note about names and immortality. A paired human may keep their original name, choose something new that is similar to their god’s name, use the god’s name, or choose an entirely new name. The later often occurs when the god and human merges into one. Finally, immortality only occurs when a god has a sufficient level of followers at a given time to break through the confines of reality; Lugh is an example of this.


Angus: Serving as King’s man in charge of the East Coast of the United States, with his big personality, and punch first ask questions later

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Asher: When it came time to pick sides, it was a no brainer for Athena, MAGs all the way. It was a simple equation, they

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Bek: All gods tend to be complicated people, but Bek a complicated god, even by godly standards. As a god, he is afflicted by a

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Cami: To summarize Cami one might call her a no nonsense, butt kicking, bubble gum chewing, MAG slapping woman. Found by Simon as a young

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Cash: If you live forever why not live fast and die hard? Cash thinks its better to enjoy the world burning that tear your hair

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Freya: Usually gods find themselves a passion or hobby to keep their interest between Vessels and over their immortal lives, and perhaps none have kept

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Joon: The eldest daughter in the Paek family, Joon has spent the last two years in the Willy after Bek saved her family from an

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King: When King’s previous Vessel began to fade, he sought out a new Vessel in the streets of Mumbai. He found the perfect match in

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Kriminel: The more malicious of the Baron brothers, Baron Kriminel is a psychotic criminal who enjoys the simple pleasures in life like the suffering of

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Lea: As a Sidhe who spends most of her time living with Lugh and Lee, Lea is the ultimate muse. Like most Sidhe, she is

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Lee: Despite how dangerous the world can be, Lee is a happy go lucky Vessel that managed to escape the interest of the MAGs at

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Lugh: Functionally gods can spend an indefinite time out of Limbo, but realistically they don’t last that long. Lugh one of the longest lived gods

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Mathew: When the creatures only he and his brother could see began showing up more and more around them, Mathew took his brother and ran

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Miles: Being swept away from home by his brother at a young age, Miles has grown up on the run from monsters. Even with his

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Mio: As a god who is still well worshipped in the modern age, Mio enjoys a certain degree of power and people who are willing

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Mirco: After playing an instrumental role in the second World War, Mirco became something of a legend among the MAGs. He’s the god who nearly

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Nick: After spending an extended time in Limbo, Bolotnik made a deal with the MAGs to work for them in exchange for a new Vessel.

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Nikki: One of the most recently paired of the god squad, Nikki is about to celebrate her one year pairing anniversary. An aloof girl picked

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Oshun: Though it is difficult to measure the relative age of gods, considering their time in limbo and age before humanity, nearly all gods will

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Q: The main face and muscle mover of the god squad., with an outgoing personality and the power of a war god, Q is good

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Sam: Despite her blindingly colorful choice in clothing, Sam is a serious young woman who works tirelessly for the god squad. With Baron Samedi’s unique

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Savi: Usually when humans pair with gods, the god and human have to discuss how they share their body for the foreseeable future. This was

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Scotty: While King prefers to accomplish his goals and build his reputation by blustering and preening, puffing himself up like a bird, Scotty prefers a

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Willy: Nobody really knows where Willy came from, just that the Brownie has been running the god squads Willard Hotel since they got there. He’s

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