The eldest daughter in the Paek family, Joon has spent the last two years in the Willy after Bek saved her family from an encounter with the MAGs. Since then, Joon has been waiting patiently for her chance to pair with a god and join the fight against the MAGs. She spends her days dedicated to learning and bettering herself, and considering what god she might want to pair with.
Before her brother died, Joon was a painter. Joon’s parents have been trying to coax her back into painting, but she has found herself uninspired recently. She’d much rather do something that has a more concrete effect on improving herself as a person, such as chess. Or research. Or practicing mathematics. The one small activity she allows herself that she would consider to be not entirely for the betterment of her abilities as a god squad member would be cooking. Though she justifies it as a way to support her family, who she knows are also struggling with their loss.
Family: Dr. Paek (Father)
Status: Vessel
God: N/A
Tell: N/A