
As a Sidhe who spends most of her time living with Lugh and Lee, Lea is the ultimate muse. Like most Sidhe, she is somewhat vain and self-righteous, but she has found she enjoys herself most with company. And few are better company for an immortal sorcerous creature than an immortal god. Lugh has been Lea’s friend for thousands of years, and though they’ve spent plenty of time apart they always end up finding themselves living together again. Lea inspires and helps him with his crafting, and in turn Lugh provides her protection and spoils her with whatever lifestyle she’d like.

With the recent addition of Lee into the group, Lea took some time to adjust to his presence. Now though, while she’ll never admit it, she’s glad for him. She cares deeply for Lugh, and has been deeply concerned about the general malaise he has found himself in the last century or so. Lee has helped to break that somewhat, and Lea is secretly joyed to see her friend smiling and being jovial again. 

Family: Sidhe

Status: Creature

God: N/A

Tell: N/A

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