Despite her blindingly colorful choice in clothing, Sam is a serious young woman who works tirelessly for the god squad. With Baron Samedi’s unique ability to speak with the gods in Limbo and see them in the world, not a single pairing happens at the Willy without Sam’s approval and vetting. She was one of the last gods paired at the Willy, found by Bek and paired at her insistence that she wanted to help. Leaving behind a complicated family relationship, she’s jumped right back into the tangle of peoples lives as the woman most people at the Willy confide in. Her powers, job, and personality make her mysterious and interesting to most of the people at the Willy.
But life isn’t all easy for Sam. The Baron is a demanding head partner, asking for more and more concessions in their shared life. And her powers granted by him are just as mysterious to her as to the Baron himself. She knows she can speak with the gods in Limbo, and some of her Voodoo magick, but the true depth and breadth of her abilities is unknown to her and to Samedi. Often she’ll spend hours holed away in her room, or in the training areas in the Willy, feeling out the depths of her abilities, only to still feel like something is blocking her from her true powers. It scares her, not that she’d ever admit it, because she knows the domain of Samedi is classically death and magic. It’s a lot of stress for someone who already has a lot on their plate.
Family: N/A
Status: Paired
God: Baron Samedi
Tell: Bones glow in the dark